Thursday 15 August 2013

My camera is my boyfriend.

                                                                                      ▲Text messages between me and mom.

 From the moment I got a CX from my friend,
I told myself to take the camera wherever I go.
Capture photos of objects, place and people around me.
Photography has always been my passion and habit.
HOWEVER, it suddenly ruined. :(
I'd love to fix it, yet i don't have enough money and so on 
I seek help from my dearest mom and the answer is written in the picture.
Okay, I admit I'm lucky that she didn't beat me up.
UGH! I literally have nothing to do all summer long! fml.
That's mean I have to face those homework eventually.

Well..... I discovered some old photos. They are naive. :)


Wednesday 14 August 2013

♡Love Pink Believe in Pink ♡

Hi everyone. This is Lily from Hong Kong.
It's been a long long time since I've written my latest blog on YAHOO!
I create this blog for no reason.
I guess I'm gonna post something here , maybe.UM....yea..maybe.
Just miss the days of blogging and convenient for me to support my favourite bloggers.
I'm searching for interesting blogs.
Therefore, leave your comment merely, I will visit it :)
kisses xx

P.S Apologize for my bad language.